Community Classes

Start a Dialogue with Your Community Today!

Are you an outreach coordinator, president of a student organization, PTA leader, or just someone passionate about sex ed?

Intimate Health Consulting offers sex education workshops for community groups, private events, conferences, non-profits, and other educational organizations regularly. We work with organizations of all sizes and budgets to create an experience that's right for your group's style and learning needs.

 Reach out today to start planning a custom workshop experience to meet your community’s needs. 

Take a look at our workshop list!



Yes…Sir? Exploring Domination and Submission:

Rihanna told us we could be bad, but are we perfectly good at it?  If you’re curious about bringing some spice to your relationship, let’s talk D/s: Domination and submission. Whether you’re looking to renegotiate an existing relationship, start a new one, or bring some power play to the bedroom for one night, we’ll talk about how you can incorporate D/s responsibly and ethically into your life. We’ll go over basic terms like Dom/Domme, sub, slave, & master, and explore why these roles can be so exciting, as well as how to introduce these ideas to a new partner.

Different Strokes: Spanking and Beyond

Someone’s been very naughty this weekend, and a traditional spanking just won’t do it.  Whether you’re using floggers, paddles, whips, or singletails, impact play is an exciting way to creatively use pain and sensation in your sex life. In this workshop, we’ll talk about:

  • •    basic safety information about impact play
  • •    creating different sensations
  • •    tools you can use (including some DIY ones!)
  • •    and maybe even give you a chance to try a few practice swings…

Come explore and find out for yourself if you prefer more “sting” or “thud.”



Pop My Cherry: Deconstructing Virginity (Ages 13-19 recommended, available for adult groups)

What even is virginity, and where did it comes from?  It’s long past time to clean up some outdated myths about “first times,” “what counts,” and how to “pop your cherry.”  Sex educator Bianca Palmisano will guide you through a brief history of the concept of virginity, then give you the chance to deconstruct the idea for yourself.  


Dating Violence Prevention (Ages 15-24 recommended)

This essential class helps graduating seniors and incoming college freshman recognize the signs of dating violence, both within their own relationships and in those around them. We’ll talk about the bystander effect and how difficult (but important!) it can be to intervene when you see an abusive relationship. But the class will also take a positive approach and talk about how young people can model Non-Abusive Relationships, by making open and honest communication the default with their partners and setting the standard for others to do the same.



Bringing Feminism Into the Bedroom:

What qualifies as "feminist sexuality?"  Bringing Feminism into the Bedroom is a workshop that promotes unapologetic acceptance of ourselves as sexual beings, where we can talk about how to use feminism as a tool for navigating desires that can seem oppressive. If you’ve ever been told you “shouldn’t want that kind of sex,” whether it’s humiliation, power play, consensual non-consent, or race play, this class is for you.  Together we’ll take a look at the history of the feminist movement, it’s intersections with sexuality, and how we, as feminists, can “do sex" as ethically as possible: by holding up a mirror to the power dynamics we want to play with and embracing the erotic potential of a historically complex and subversive movement.

Fighting Rape Culture with Sex Education

How do we begin to dismantle a system of oppression that devalues consent and encourages sexual violence? This interactive session is an opportunity for community brainstorm around the pervasive issue of rape culture in modern society. In particular, we’ll focus on the importance of sex education as a framework and a language for better discussions around the intersections of communication, desire, and socialized violence. Neither facilitator nor audience has all the answers, but this workshop creates a space for sharing of best practices about how to bring more people into the conversation.

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